Believe in the Uncommon, Believe in the Proven, Believe in Miracles
There is an innate higher intelligence in you and all around you. It’s the same force that’s created the universe, is beating your heart 100,000 times a day, pumps two gallons of blood per minute, creating 100,000 chemical reactions in the body every second, has created over 8.7 million species, governs our ecosystems and our planetary orbits without you ever focusing on one aspect of it. We may not notice our higher mind at work, but the moment we die, the body starts to break down because this inner power has left. When trauma occurs whether small or big, we often fragment ourselves, ignoring a part of us, in a sense abandoning that self and eventually that part will begin to break down and lead to physical illness.
This intelligence has the original blueprint of health, just as nature intended it to be and maintains order among all systems of the body. The power that made the body is the power that maintains and heals the body and we can harness this power to heal ourselves and improve our systems before illness even arises, because we’ve been given complete authority over our mind and body. Illness is a sign that one has become disconnected from their power and either consciously or unconsciously has directed it away from health. In western medicine when it comes to chronic issues they don’t tackle the root cause, they “bandage” the symptom. In this work we find the original imbalance and heal from the ground floor up.
The power that made the body is the power that maintains and heals the body.
This service can either be used as an isolated 1 hour session or a 30 minute add on. I’m going to show you how to find your connection to this higher power, cultivate presence and organize your mind, access your body’s intelligence, discover the purpose of the symptom you have, release trapped emotions, rewire the mind and heal the body.